Support CDP, Help Our Hope To Achieve Progress and change Nigeria for the good of all.

The Catalyst Democratic Party is the trendsetter and pacesetter for Nigerians and non Nigerian residents of this nation. As democratic socialists we believe in the redistribution of power, wealth and opportunity - so that everyone has the chance to share fully in the civic, economic and cultural life of society.



And by the word redistribution its not taking from you to give to your poor neighbor but creation of social care right and people should have as much power over their own lives as possible - which means extending democracy, encouraging participation, and protecting individual liberty.

Human rights - including social, economic and environmental rights - should be fostered, and discrimination ended. We should all be able to make the most of our lives, and be offered the opportunities to develop our talents and put them to use.

With co-operation and mutual support, individuals, communities and governments can ensure a world which is safer, more prosperous and more just. CDP is the core of leadership for the cause of Democracy, Socialism and Capitalism in accordance with respect to all Nigerian cultures and traditions of various characteristics that will represent the development trend of Nigerian's advanced productive forces, the orientation of Nigeria's advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Nigerians



The sustenance of democracy is the highest ideal and ultimate goal of the Party. Owing to both domestic circumstances and foreign influences, class struggle will continue to exist within a certain scope for a long time and may possibly grow acute under certain conditions, but it is no longer the principal contradiction. In building democratic socialism, our basic task is to further release and develop the productive forces and achieve modernization step by step by carrying out reform in those aspects and links of the production relations and the superstructure that do not conform to the development of the productive forces.

We must uphold and improve the basic economic system, with public ownership playing a dominant role and diverse forms of ownership developing side by side as well as the system of distribution under which distribution according to work is dominant and a variety of modes of distribution coexist, encourage some areas and some people to become rich first, gradually eliminate poverty and achieve common prosperity, and continuously meet the people's ever-growing material and cultural needs on the basis of the growth of production and social wealth. Development is our Party's top priority in governing and rejuvenating the country.

The general starting point and criterion for judging all our work should be how it benefits the development of the productive forces in our democratic society, adds to the overall strength of our nation and improves the people's living standards.

  The inauguration of the Catalyst Democratic Party marks the beginning of the new era, new stage of development of building a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerating modernization.

The strategic objectives of economic and social development at the new stage in this new epoch are to consolidate and develop the well-off standard of living initially attained, bring Nigeria into a well-off society of a higher level to the benefit of well over one billion people and bring the per capita GDP up to the level of moderately developed countries and realize modernization of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Employment for people who live and work outside of the formal economic sector, provides the best means of tackling extreme poverty like access to modern energy, transportation, and telecommunication and financial services with strict regulated rate to curb slavery and exploitation and physically connecting people to the economic opportunities and systems that will allow them to thrive.

 It is impossible to discuss economic growth without also discussing the need for increased employment opportunities. There have been calls for job creation, a right to decent work for all, and employment targets for underserved-but-growing sectors of the workforce, including women and youth.

 The basic line of the Catalyst Democratic Party at the primary stage is to lead the people of all our ethnic groups in a concerted, self-reliant and pioneering effort to turn Nigeria into a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced modern country by making economic development our central task while adhering to the Four Cardinal Principles and persevering in the reform and opening up.

In leading the cause of democratic socialism, this Party must persist in taking economic development as the central task, making all other work subordinated to and serve this central task. We must lose no time in speeding up economic development; implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and that of sustainable development, give full play to the role of science and technology as the primary productive force. We must take advantage of the advancement of science and technology to improve the quality of workers and work hard to push forward the economy with good results

The impact of world events has increasingly important implications for both domestic and foreign policy. An international outlook has never been so necessary. As recent financial events have demonstrated, no economy is isolated from global economic conditions and every nation is increasingly dependent, to a greater or lesser degree, on the flow of international trade and investment and its relationships with others in the promotion of sustainable economic growth. Using Nigeria's place in the world and our approach to global affairs to develop Nigeria's economy is key to ensuring the continued and increased prosperity of the nation.

We will direct our international efforts, first and foremost, into deepening and consolidating relationships with friends and partners, new and old, across the world and, through this, expanding opportunities for people and businesses in Nigeria also exploiting digital technologies; bolstering innovation in products, services and business models; enhancing employment prospects for young people; promoting renewable energy and the resource efficiency of economic activity towards a low-carbon economy; promoting industrial competitiveness; and reducing poverty and social exclusion, We need to take advantage with a partnership approach to freedom, security and justice with main multilateral organisations that provide frameworks for negotiations which give nations a voice in decisions that are agreed and implemented internationally. International organisations that provide strategic, political, economic and societal platforms for all nations such as the UN, Council of Europe: best known for the European Court of Human Rights and the European Convention for the Protection  and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE),the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the Commonwealth

 Email : catalystdemocraticparty@europe.com

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